Alpharetta Monument Sign
Monument signs are a type of exterior sign that are very durable and often look quite impressive. Monument signs are freestanding and permanent and they are typically designed to provide street-level visibility to businesses that are otherwise difficult to notice from the street. A well-made monument sign will last for years, announcing the presence of whichever business or building it is identifying to all those who pass by.
Monument signs are an incredibly effective form of promotion. They are especially great for businesses that are in locations that are recessed from the nearest road. Take a minimall, for example. As you drive by a minimall, you don’t have time to try to look at all the businesses that are there. But a monument sign by the road can tell you one or more of the businesses inside. The same is true for full-sized malls and restaurants and rest stations near freeway off ramps. Monuments signs are also great for businesses that are set a little further back from the street or that are above the ground floor. Monument signs also just look nice. They look professional and give the impression of permanence and stability.
But this is only true, if you get a well-made monument sign. If you want a high quality and durable monument sign in the Alpharetta area, you need to come to the experts at The Sign Distillery today: 470.444.SIGN (7446) or